Friday, February 25, 2011

First Paint Day!

Last Saturday we gathered at the YWCA for conversation and painting.  Butch Slaughter Led a spirited conversation about violence, peace, and our personal roles.  In his words "Peace should be aggressive, just like violence."  In other words, we have to be active about Peace.  Non-violence isn't just something that happens on its own, we have to work at it.  Butch Also had a great metaphor for the way Peace is always a possibility, flowing through the room, we just have to channel it.  He talked about radio stations.  They're always there, but you need a radio to tune them in.  We can be radios of Peace. Here's a link to Butch's website:

Then we Painted.  We used an organic process with lots of freedom to create raw materials for our first quilt collage mural, which will be at the YWCA.  At the next event we'll create quilt patches from the raw materials.

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